Report from UNC Chapel Hill

I am loving University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, I am loving Chapel Hill. Yes it is a village, a vibrant village, but a village. This is probably the perfect environment for a PhD., enough activities to entertain but enough solitude for deep study.

I am meeting and talking with everyone I can. I am researching housing options, on campus or off? I am researching the academic bit, financial aid, the lay of the land, the quality of life, etc.

So far I have no complaints. I am drinking excellent coffee, eating great food – including the best gelato ever at Sugarland, great breakfast biscuits, etc.

It is right before Spring so everything you see is blooming: trees, flowers, bushes. Whites, yellows, purples, pinks suffuse every corner of the campus and the town, the air heavy and sweet.

Since I drove here I spared no luxury in my equipment, bringing with me my real camera (Olympus EP1). Unfortunately I forgot the connector cable to my computer, so none of the images will be posted until I get home…

Tomorrow is the first day of the Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures, I am excited to be a (minor) part of that.



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